Login | October 22, 2024


Full text of Legal Notice


In the Court of Common Pleas, 203 West Main Street, Ravenna, Portage County, Ohio.

Case No. 2023 CV 00200.

Brad Cromes Portage County Treasurer, 449 S. Meridian, Ravenna, Ohio. 44266, Plaintiff vs. George H. Corzine, Estate of George H. Corzine, et al., Defendants.

GEORGE H. CORZINE, ESTATE OF GEORGE H. CORZINE; LINDA R. CORZINE; HOME EQUITY OF AMERICA, INC.; THE UNKNOWN TENANTS, UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS, AND/OR UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION UNDER ANY CLAIM; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISES, LEGATEES, ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS, SPOUSES, NEXT OF KIN AND ASSIGNS AND THE UNKNOWN GUARDIANS OF MINOR AND/OR INCOMPETENT HEIRS OF GEORGE H. CORZINE & LINDA CORZINE, whose addresses cannot with the exercise of reasonable diligence be ascertained, and upon whom service of summons cannot be had in the State of Ohio, will take notice that on March 7, 2023, Brad Cromes, Portage County Treasurer, Plaintiff filed a Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Portage County, Ohio, being case number 2023 cv 00200 to foreclose the lien for land taxes, assessments, penalties, more specifically, on permanent parcel number(s): 11-182-00-00-018-000; 11-182-00-00-019-000. These liens represent delinquent real estate taxes, assessments, penalties and interest on the following described real estate.

Situated in the Township of Edinburg County of Portage and State of Ohio:

Parcel I: And known as being part of Subdiv. #1 in Lot 8 S.E. in said Township and further described as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of Subdivision #1 and of Edinburg Township, and the centerline of Yale Road, C.H. 55,S. 89 deg. 00' E. 1187.28 feet as measured along said south and centerline from its intersection with the centerline of Porter Road, T.H. 54, and the west line of Subdivision 1: Thence N. 0 deg. 50' E. passing over an iron pipe at 20.00 feet, 679.01 feet to an iron pipe in the Grantor's north line; Thence S. 88 deg. 45' E. 108.00 feet along said North line to an iron pipe: Thence S. 0 deg. 50' W. 678.25 feet to a point in said south and centerline, passing over an iron pipe 20 feet from said point Thence N. 89 deg. 00' W. 108 feet along said south and centerline to the beginning and containing 1.682 acres of land, be the same more or less. but subject to all legal highways, as surveyed by R.E. Stockman. R.S. 5134, September, 27,1972.

Parcel II: Situated in the Township of Edinburg, County of Portage and State of Ohio: And known as being part of Subdivision 1 in Lot 8 S.E. in said township and further described as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of Subdivision 1 and of Edinburg Township and the centerline of Yale Road, C.H. 55, S. 89 deg. 00' E. 1078.28 feet as measured along said South and centerline from its intersection with the centerline of Porter Road, T.H. 54, and west line of Subdivision 1; Thence N. 0 deg. 50’ E., passing over an iron pipe at 20 feet, 679.77 feet to an iron pipe in the grantors north line; Thence S. 88 deg. 45' E., 109 feet along said north line to an iron pipe; Thence S. 0 deg. 50' W., 679.01 feet to a point in said south and centerline, passing over an iron pipe 20 feet from said point; Thence N. 89 deg. 00' W., 109 feet along said south and centerline to the beginning and containing 1.700 acres of land, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways, as surveyed by R.E. Stockman, E.S. 5134, September 27

Permanent Parcel Numbers: 11-182-00-00-018 and 11-182-00-00-019

(Description available at the Portage County Recorder’s Office)

Also known as: 7583 Yale Road, Township of Edinburg, Portage County, Ohio.

The defendants are hereby required to answer and set up any claim that they might have to in said premises or be forever barred, that the Plaintiff be found to have a first and best lien on the said premises for the amount so owing.

Said above named Defendants will further take notice that they are required to answer the Complaint on or before the 31st day of August 2023.



By: CHRISTOPHER J. MEDURIDivision Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Attorney for Plaintiff, Brad Cromes, Portage County Treasurer, 241 S. Chestnut St. Ravenna, Ohio 44266. (330) 297-3850

Jul 20, 27; Aug 3, 2023


