Login | March 14, 2025

Portage County Legal News.

Using online content aggregators
Ever wonder where to go for up-to-date legal news (besides, of course, this publication)?
Content aggregators!
Online push content aggregators can both give you information that you want, curated to your interests, and can also provide topics to blog/ YouTube/TikTok about on your website as a part of your marketing. In addi ... (full story)
Project will capture every employment law in the US
If you deal in employment law, especially if you work with out-of-state entities, you may want to take a look at SixFifty (https://www.sixfifty.com/), a company that says that it has very single employment law and reg, along with research and analysis, in its database.
SixFifty’s business model helps businesses automate e ... (full story)
Trap and trace: More old tech law applied to new circumstances
Well, here we go again with old tech laws being applied to new-ish circumstances.
At least, that’s according to some California defense lawyers.
The California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA) has given rise to numerous recent lawsuits attacking website visitor tracking under laws that were originally intended to stop l ... (full story)
YouTube and copyright: Three strikes and yerrrr out
Having just crossed the threshold into having copyrighted works from 1929 pass into the public domain, it might be interesting to look at how some copyrighted materials are handled on the internet’s primary video delivery system of YouTube.
YouTube takes copyright very seriously.
Anyone posting copyrighted material w ... (full story)
CISA tells high level government officials to secure their comms
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has seemingly caught up to the rest of us by recently telling all US government officials to stop using unsecure communication channels and immediately to start using encrypted comms in their mobile devices.
While this guidance is specifically for top-level government o ... (full story)