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The Portage County Legal News, Kent Ohio, Ravenna Ohio, Portage County Ohio

Portage County Legal News.


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Risky commodoties

Q. Is commodity investing really so risky? -- N.W., New Orleans
A. Yup. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission itself offers a stark warning: "Only trade with 'risk capital.' This is money you can afford to lose ... research has shown that after commissions, the majority of individual speculators lose money."
(full story)

AI startup Perplexity wants to upend search business. News outlet Forbes says it's ripping them off

AI startup Perplexity wants to upend search business. News outlet Forbes says it's ripping them off

The artificial intelligence startup Perplexity AI has raised tens of millions of dollars from the likes of Jeff Bezos and other prominent tech investors for its mission to rival Google in the business of searching for information.
But its AI-driven search chatbot is already facing challenges as some news media companies object t ... (full story)

Some hawking stem cells say they can treat almost anything. They can't

Some hawking stem cells say they can treat almost anything. They can't

The mailings promised "Life Without Pain!" via stem cell injections or IVs administered in a patient's own home. The allure was obvious: more than 20% of U.S. adults endure chronic pain.
The flyers invited Iowans to free dinners across the state. Afterward, sales people traveled to potential customers' homes for high-p ... (full story)


Modern-day outlaws, 'sovereign citizens' threaten the rule of law

(THE CONVERSATION) In May 2024, an Oklahoma man was arrested and charged with kidnapping and murdering two women, becoming the fifth member of an anti-government group called "God's Misfits" to face such charges.
With the investigation still underway, details about God's Misfits remain scarce. The group's members may b ... (full story)

Abortion bans are changing what it means to be young in America

(THE CONVERSATION) Adolescence and young adulthood is a time of identity formation, when young people figure out who they are and who they want to be. One of the ways they do this is by considering the world around them, paying attention to social issues and starting to understand their society and their place in it. Laws and polici ... (full story)


A year after the Titan's tragic dive, deep-sea explorers vow to pursue ocean's mysteries

A year after the Titan's tragic dive, deep-sea explorers vow to pursue ocean's mysteries

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The deadly implosion of an experimental submersible en route to the deep-sea grave of the Titanic last June has not dulled the desire for further ocean exploration, despite lingering questions about the disaster.
Last Tuesday marked one year since the Titan vanished on its way to the historic wreckag ... (full story)

Toxic garlic should have prompted EPA to warn against gardening near Ohio derailment, watchdog says

Toxic garlic should have prompted EPA to warn against gardening near Ohio derailment, watchdog says

The Environmental Protection Agency should conduct additional soil studies near the site of a toxic train derailment in Ohio and warn people it might not be safe to garden there after independent testing showed high levels of chemicals in locally grown garlic, a watchdog group said recently.
In a petition filed with the federal ... (full story)